Optronic has developed a new instrument that determines the quality of a production material through high voltage measurement. The client is a Swedish industrial group that operates in the global market and with which Optronic has had a relationship for 20 years.
“Our ability to carry out a project this large all the way from the idea stage to a finished series production in an unbroken chain means that we can feel a degree of satisfaction,” says Robert Jonsson, Key Account Manager at Optronic.
Optronic has long supplied sensor and camera solutions for the customer and in the current project the mission was to develop a new instrument to measure the quality of a production material used in the customer’s manufacturing process.
“They wanted a smaller, cheaper and better instrument than its predecessor, which was equipped with camera technology and where the customer had to determine the quality by looking at an image. The new instrument uses high voltage measurement to produce an exact value directly,” says Robert Jonsson.
The project started in December 2017 and Optronic has run everything from feasibility studies and requirements specification to EMC testing and regulatory approvals.
“It has been extensive and intensive work for a year and a half both when it comes to the design and preparing the product for series production.
During the spring, Optronic manufactured pre-series units that were then field-tested in different parts of the world. Series deliveries started in September.
All the customer’s factories have been waiting for this instrument,” Robert Jonsson says.
In addition to the product itself, the delivery also included support and service.
“We will have a staffed support function where the customer can contact us if there is a need for service or repairs and we also have the possibility to rent out units. The instrument is important for the customer who produces so much material that a production stoppage could entail major costs,” says Robert Jonsson.
He notes that the customer has been flexible and easy to engage in dialogue with.
“It has been a good partnership, not least because we have always worked closely together in all parts of the project.”