Quality and certificates

How we work

Everything we do at Optronic is to create benefits for our customers and make them more competitive. This starts in our daily, in-house work and includes everything from policy documents, routines and personnel policy to working on continuous improvement and lean production.

To live up to the highest standards in our industry, we have set high targets for delivery precision and complaints, for example.

Guidelines for our business

As well as the cornerstones of our operations, our work environment has a high priority. A good work environment is an absolute prerequisite for being able to deliver value to our customers. That is why we have established and summarised guidelines for our activities, in which equality is an important part.

We wish to actively promote diversity and make the most of our employees’ different experiences, abilities and knowledge. We shall be an inclusive workplace where everyone is given the opportunity to grow.

Continuous improvement

At Optronic, continuous improvement is part of our general way of working, which we have named OpEx (Optronic Excellence). The consistent way in which we work on continuous improvement ensures that every customer is given a high level of quality in expert consultations, production and follow-up

The improvement work is based on the principles of lean production, two cornerstones of which are to have a long-term focus and to eliminate what does not create value for our customers. Our responsibility as a partner often covers the entire life cycle of our customers’ products. This means that a long-term perspective is especially important. Right from the first start-up meeting.

Quality measurement

The basis of our work is always to deliver at the right time, based on relevant expectations and regulatory requirements. With a specially adapted 8D process as our starting point, we have established a structure for performing quality development which ensures that our work is efficient, focused on solutions and goal-oriented.

The system has been developed in such a way that corrections and developments within a specific customer project will benefit the entire organisation. This enables us to develop quickly and flexibly together with our clients and consistently focus on creating competitive products and solutions.

We comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Follow-up and management of improvement and quality goals is an integral part of every year’s planning.

Our quality targets are followed up on a weekly and monthly basis. This is done at project, production and departmental levels. After this, target follow-up is performed at management level and is also reported to the board.

All circuit boards manufactured are inspected via our AOI (automated optical inspection), which uses 3D technology and can even handle 01005 chip components that can be as small as 0.4 × 0.2 millimetres.

Thanks to the optical metrology that has been developed for inspection, minimal over-soldering and defects are also detected. The AOI can also analyse the location of the smallest components to determine if they are in the right place and of the right type.

Suppliers and purchasing

The rapid development of sensor technology offers opportunities for identifying and utilising competitive advantages. For product owners, developments in components and technology also create risks, in that integration between various subsystems can have a negative effect on the product’s performance and involve significant costs.

At Optronic, you have access not only to a high level of expertise in sensor and electronics manufacture, but also to our global supplier network. So we create peace of mind and the opportunity to focus even more on your business.

Our strategic purchasing process is based on a wide range of suppliers and we perform ongoing checks on their operations to ensure that they comply with our high quality standards and ethical business guidelines.
